Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition. It can affect gross and fine motor skills in both the legs and the arms. Some children diagnosed with cerebral palsy also may develop seizures, have sensory deficits (such as hearing or vision loss), and/or suffer from mental retardation. Children with cerebral palsy will have special needs that need to be addressed by various medical professionals
The condition of the baby immediately after birth may alert medical professionals and the family that the child may have suffered an injury during the labor and/or the delivery. This may take the form of abnormal tone, seizures, poor color and/or abnormal heart rates. The baby may need to be intubated to insure proper oxygenation.
In some instances the first signs that a brain injury was suffered may not appear until later when cognitive issues arise and when the baby fails to meet normal milestones.
Sometimes the only way parents can find out what happened to their child and whether the child’s cerebral palsy could have been avoided is to retain an attorney to investigate whether there was proper treatment by the medical professionals involved.

This would include:

    • Whether a premature birth could have been avoided.
    • Whether prenatal problems were appropriately recognized and dealt with…
    • Whether the fetal monitoring of the fetus was appropriately interpreted. 
    • Whether the baby timely delivered.
    • Whether the baby received good newborn care.